SELF-DOMESTICATED curated by Like a little disaster
20 - 24 June 2018
@Spazio Intolab - Piazza Enrico de Nicola, 46. Napoli
Self-domesticated attempts to create a parallel between self-domestication in wolves about thirty thousand years ago and human evolution within the “Comfort Zone” and digital commodification, by comparing two very distant practices, those by Daniela Corbascio and PLASTICITY.
Self-domesticated calls into question the modalities of comparison with a technology that is computational element changing - through the combination of big data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet Of Things - in a tool to support and guide decisions, interactions, forecasts behavioral. If the technology we use is evolving towards the acquisition and management of data according to criteria and cognitive schemes borrowed from the human brain, we do not unknowingly risk doing what the wolves did thirty thousand years ago? How will our model of relationship / subjection / dependence develop from these systems, bearing in mind that the wolf of the Eurasian plains has unwittingly renounced its original being in order to be reborn in exchange for food and greater dependence on man?
Through interventions site specific for the occasion and for the Intolab space, the project attempts to investigate the shift between network ideology and platform capitalism.
Self-domesticated tenta di creare un parallelismo tra l’auto domesticazione avvenuta tra i lupi circa trenta mila anni fa e l’evoluzione umana all’interno della “Confort Zone” e la commodificazione digitale, attraverso il confronto di due pratiche molto distanti, quelle di Daniela Corbascio e PLASTICITY.
Self-domesticated chiama in causa le modalità di confronto con una tecnologia che da elemento di calcolo sta mutando -attraverso la combinazione di big data, Intelligenza Artificiale e Internet Of Things - in uno strumento di supporto e guida alle decisioni, alle interazioni, alle previsioni comportamentali. Se la tecnologia che usiamo sta evolvendo verso l’acquisizione e la gestione di dati secondo criteri e schemi cognitivi mutuati dal cervello umano, non rischiamo inconsapevolmente, di fare ciò che hanno fatto i lupi trenta mila anni fa? Come si svilupperà il nostro modello di relazione/sudditanza/dipendenza da questi sistemi tenendo presente che il lupo delle pianure eurasiatiche ha inconsapevolmente rinunciato al proprio essere originario per rabbonirsi in cambio di cibo e di una maggiore dipendenza dall’uomo?
Attraverso interventi appositamente pensati per l’occasione e per lo spazio Intolab, il progetto tenta di indagare lo slittamento tra network ideology e platform capitalism.

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster

Imbasciata || SELF-DOMESTICATED by Like a little disaster